Intuitive Wealth

Anne Deidre is an International Celebrity Expert on Intuition, Certified Medical Intuitive, Best-Selling Author and Publisher, Professional Artist, Speaker and Coach. She has been featured on ABC and NBC TV, on The CW TV Network, HuffPost Live, also a FOX News Radio Contributor, on NPR, CBS Radio, Business Talk Radio, and many print publications such as, Beliefnet and Aspire Magazine.

Anne’s transformational gifts allow her to intuitively ‘shine a light’ into her clients energy system and illuminate their hidden and or dormant gifts and talents that their soul is here to share. Her unique and powerful gifts allow her to shift energetic patterns, heal trauma, and create new patterns so that they can bring their divine gifts to the world.

#1 Divine Source Activation - Multidimensional Accelerator - God on Speed Dial

($97.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Are you feeling stuck, alone or disconnected from your team of angels, Light Beings, and Higher Self? In this Divinely Guided audio, Anne Deidre and her Divine Team facilitate energetic opening up of your Etheric chakras, your galactic gateway and portals to connect with your Divine team and deepen your connection to Mother Father God Source energy. She also includes her signature training for how to channel your Higher Self through speaking and writing. In this audio Anne will Guide you through the Etheric Chakras above the head- Opening Your Multidimensional Channels, Galactic Gateways and Connection to Your Higher Self and Divine Source.

#2 AURA POWER - Crystal Clear Aura Cleanse with DIVINITY CODES Activation

($97.00 Value) Included with your purchase

If you are not experiencing absolute clarity, feeling on purpose, aligned with your relationships than something is off in your energy field and your aura is broadcasting that into the Universe. Are you saying energetically what you want to be saying to the Universe to receive abundantly to experience joy? It is often difficult to detect our own energy but as a psychic energy reader and healer, Anne will clear and activate your energy centers and aura into Higher Dimensional frequency as she brings in Mother Father God, Cosmic Christ, Buddha, St Germaine, Archangel Michael and The Mary’s Frequency to amp up your Aura with Divine Light. Includes: > Clearing energetic disturbances, false programming, negativity > Amps up your Light Quotient > Allows cellular regeneration > Transmits Encodements of Consciousness and DNA Activation

#3 Manifestation Mastery - Speak Into Being

($97.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Are you experiencing joy in living your purpose, being in a great relationship and feeling health and well-being? All this is what you are here to experience as karma is over and cosmic connection is what is happening. This is the live your great life lifetime! When it comes to manifesting the Law of Alignment works with the Law of Attraction. In this powerful audio Anne Deidre and her Divine Team facilitate energy transformation that includes recalibrating to Divine Alignment, connecting your Divine Will with your Divine Expression. Includes: > Clearing of Stuck Energy > Anne’s Signature Creation Template to Manifest True Love, Ideal Career, Soul Purpose > Switch on Your Master Creator Potential as Infinite Being > Activates Self Realization to Self Actualizing Expression

#4 The Intuitive Life Makeover: Tuning Into The Wisdom Of Your Chakras Home Study Program

($97.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Within your Divine Energetic Blueprint, or chakra system lie the sacred keys to living a life of joy, passion and abundance. It contains everything you need to access your Higher Self in order to evolve to its highest potential in this lifetime. As with any energetic system when there is a ‘short’ in any part of the system it causes malfunction in the whole. Anne’s transformational home study program brings you the tools, exercises and meditations to work with the wisdom of your chakras and contains 9 powerful chakra meditations as well as an in-depth workbook. You are being called to realign your energy at the deepest level so that you can serve the world with your unique essence, gifts and sacred wisdom in a way that only you can. When you unlock the wisdom contained within your Divine Energetic Blueprint, or chakras, you will discover powerful tools to access your intuition, purpose and inner well-being and will have awakened your Divine Intuitive Power Sections include: > Introduction > The Answers Lie in Your Divine Energetic Blueprint > Symptoms You are Out of Alignment with Your Divine Truth > The Sacred Keys Within Divine Realignment: Coming Back to Your Truth > Introducing the 7 Chakras or Wealth Centers > Releasing Imbalances in each Chakra > Tips to Healing and Balancing each Chakra > Exercises: Guided Meditation and Journaling > Additional Support for Clearing and Balancing each Chakra > Understanding How the Chakras Affect the Manifestation of Your Desires > Shed the Layers of Energetic > Blocks to Experience Miracles

#5 Sacred Guided Meditations

($97.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Do not listen to these audios while driving. An overview of your 7 Chakras, or Wealth Centers and the important Divine role they play in your connection to Divine Source.

#6 Chakra Scan

($97.00 Value) Included with your purchase

In this powerful guided meditation, infused with Divine energy, you will learn how to tune into each chakra, release fear and connect with your inner stability, creativity, power, love, good communication, spiritual gifts and connection to Spirit. Listen to this audio daily to begin to clear and activate your 7 chakras, or wealth centers to release the layers of dense energy you’ve picked up throughout your life.

#7 Root Chakra Foundation Wealth Center

($97.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Anne guides you through a Divine love-infused guided meditation, with the support of the Divine Realms, Divine Light and Frequency, you will learn how to bring your dreams into reality by clearing this center. As you clear feelings of worry, fear and instability you will begin to connect with the feeling grounded, your purpose, having all of your needs met and limitless life.

#8 Sacral Chakra Creativity and Truth Wealth Center

($97.00 Value) Included with your purchase

In this Divine love-infused guided meditation, with the support of the Divine Realms, Divine Light and Frequency, you will experience a connection to your inner child, creativity, sense of play, honoring your feelings and true blissful state.

#9 Solar Plexus Chakra Power Wealth Center

($97.00 Value) Included with your purchase

In this Divine love-infused guided meditation, with the support of the Divine Realms, Divine Light and Frequency, you will experience a connection to your true Divine Power, learn what power is and what it is not. You will also learn how to work with Divine intention and Will.

#10 Heart Chakra Love Wealth Center

($97.00 Value) Included with your purchase

In this Divine love-infused guided meditation, with the support of the Divine Realms, Divine Light and Frequency, you will experience a powerful reconnection to the true magnetic power of your heart. You will be guided to release trauma, loss, grief and heartache and connect to the portal of your own Divine wisdom, consciousness, perspective, compassion and unconditional love. You will learn a manifesting technique to manifest your heart’s desire.

#11 Throat Chakra Communication Wealth Center

($97.00 Value) Included with your purchase

In this Divine love-infused guided meditation, with the support of the Divine Realms, Divine Light and Frequency, you will experience a connection to speaking your truth and the Divine expression of your true self. Learn why expressing your unique energy signature has never been more important. You will begin to clear any feelings or words you have stifled as you embody and express more of who you truly are.

#12 Brow Chakra Intuition Wealth Center

($97.00 Value) Included with your purchase

In this Divine love-infused guided meditation, with the support of the Divine Realms, Divine Light and Frequency, you will experience a connection to your intuitive power which includes your spiritual gifts of clear seeing, clear knowing, clear hearing and cleat feeling. Learn more about The Intuitive Age and your great part in this new reality on earth. Begin to clear and activate your third eye of intuition and connect with your spiritual team.

#13 Crown Chakra Source Wealth Center

($97.00 Value) Included with your purchase

In this Divine love-infused guided meditation, with the support of the Divine Realms, Divine Light and Frequency, you will learn how to experience a direct connection to God. Learn about connecting to the higher realms and our own wisdom of the Higher Self. Learn about and experience integrating the ego and the Higher Self. Release fear and doubt and step fully into your Divine power.

#14 Two Of Anne’s Latest And Bestselling

($97.00 Value) Included with your purchase

1. Extreme Intuitive Makeover – 55 Keys to Health, Wealth and Happiness 2. Miraculous – How Spiritual Awakening Cured My Depression, Inspired My Purpose and Ignited the Intuitive Powers Within. Features/Benefits “There are many people today seeking prosperity, health and happiness and there are good reasons for this. We are living in difficult times where fear is likely to become the number one cause of illness and there appears to be many things to fear–unemployment, war, terrorism, disease, and so on. Given that, I found Anne’s new book, Extreme Intuitive Makeover: 55 Keys to Health, Wealth, and Happiness, to be a genuine breath of fresh air. Anne has brilliantly woven spirituality, science and practical exercises on her loom unfolding success strategies that will absolutely make a difference in your life! Highly recommended!” Eldon Taylor, Ph.D. NY Times Bestselling Author and radio show host of Provocative Enlightenment

#15 Angel Art Print

($97.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Etheric Chakras Painting by Anne Deidre Etheric Chakras contains high vibrational energy and frequency to assist in activating the higher chakras above the crown chakra. Viewing this painting can help facilitate a stronger connection to the Higher Self, unlock dormant intuitive gifts and abilities and promote feelings of well-being and alignment to your Divine Self

#16 Meet Your Spirit Guide MP3

($97.00 Value) Included with your purchase

In this 2 hour and 33 minute audio, Anne leads you through a guided meditation to connect with a Spirit Guide you are working with currently. You will know that you are not alone and understand some the soul lessons that you are working on and how to connect with your spirit guide at any time by using this meditation.

#17 Visionary Intuitive Mastery

($97.00 Value) Included with your purchase

You have hidden dormant intuitive visionary gifts, in your third eye clairvoyance you can see possibilities for your future, in your claircognizance you can know what’s best for your life in your clairaudience you can hear Spirit, your Higher Self and Guides clearly, in your clairsentence you can feel what’s right for you. Programming and false believes block all of these abilities. Master Intuitive Facilitator Anne Deidre will wake up your dormant gifts and abilities listening to this audio. This is the powerful meditation that took Anne out of her dark night of the soul and opened up her Divine Consciousness and Intuitive Gifts. It is a Spiritual Tool that Ascended Master Yogananda brought to the world. Kriya Yoga A Powerful Meditation Join Anne as she teaches you the spiritual tool that is Kriya Yoga. This meditation will help you access Divine consciousness and open the floodgates of your intuitive guidance. It will help clear out toxic thoughts and calm your mind so that you can experience Intuitive Mastery.

#18 Intuitive Abundance Activation

($97.00 Value) Included with your purchase

In this unique audio Anne Deidre will clear and activate all of the abundance in each of your spiritual centers in your physical body. She will also work with the etheric chakras above your head to open up more power and access your multi dimensional wealth so that you can be open to receiving abundance in every area of your life.

Intuitive Wealth

$1697.00 regular program value - yours for 94% OFF!
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Praise for Anne Deidre:

"“Yesterday was my weekly session with Anne and we went through and cleared my chakras. It was totally amazing for me. The opening of my crown and feeling of euphoria was something I will NEVER forget. I highly recommend this!” ~ Amanda M., California"

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Intuitive Wealth

$1697.00 regular program value - yours for 94% OFF!
Buy Now for $97 USD
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If you have questions or concerns about the course, please contact us at 512.815.6222 or