Get Two (2) Personal Sessions with Cinimon Clark!

Guided by your spirit team, each reading is a unique exploration into your own spirituality. I am honored to unwrap the mystical gifts our spirit teams offer. I feel my true job is to empower and inspire you and to help you give yourself permission to be your authentic self and to know you are powerful and worthy of all good things in this life.

I merge spirituality and practicality, offering not only just a therapeutic session, but an educational one that empowers you in your journey to well-being.

This product has been created by:

Cinimon was born and raised in Gulfport, Mississippi, and from an early age, experienced other people’s emotions, what they were feeling, and was keenly attuned to intuitive guides and spirit communication.

She seeks to offer peace, self-love, and wellbeing. She offers greater self-confidence, inclusivity, and a gentle acceptance of both who you are in the moment and of being connected to something greater than us. Cinimon encourages people to recognize their power and remember that they don’t have to do it all on their own. We’re all making our way through life and working to figure things out.

She believes we are all part of something bigger. Frequencies and vibrations are vital to our lives, Humans can only perceive a limited spectrum of both light waves and soundwaves. Beyond that, who knows what exists? Accessing those expanded spectrums is where the magic happens.


BONUS Included for a limited-time only

Guided by your spirit team, each reading is a unique exploration into your own spirituality.

Every reading is different and personalized to you and what your guides would like you to know right now. We might delve into past lives or your personal growth.

Your departed animals might want to come through to bring you comfort and make you smile. You may hear empowering messages from lost loved ones and be given closure and a deeper understanding of why you move through your world the way you do.

I am honored to unwrap the mystical gifts our spirit teams offer. I feel my true job is to empower and inspire you and to help you give yourself permission to be your authentic self and to know you are powerful and worthy of all good things in this life.


BONUS Included for a limited-time only

Through a combination of meditative visualization techniques, tapping into positive light energy and receiving assistance from your spirit team, I pinpoint old trauma patterns that may have impeded your progress.

From past life events to current issues, the releasing of old blocks allows you to create space in your life for more joy and success.

I feel that transparency is key so I will talk you through the entire process to make sure you gain an understanding of the intricacies involved in your healing session.

I merge spirituality and practicality, offering not only just a therapeutic session, but an educational one that empowers you in your journey to well-being.

Get Two (2) Personal Sessions with Cinimon Clark!

$375.00 regular program value - yours for 47% OFF!
Buy Now for $197 USD
100% Secure Payment

Need Help Ordering Or Have Questions?

If you have questions or concerns about the course, please contact us at 512.815.6222 or

Praise for Cinimon Clark:

"“I’ve had my first psychic reading with Cinimon, which was an amazing experience. Cinimon is so real, and so down-to-earth. From the first “hello”, I felt like I was talking with a dear friend who I’d known for ages. The messages Cinimon brought through were so detailed and spot-on. By the end of the reading, I felt very encouraged and had a tremendous sense of peace.”"
Dana C.
"“Cinimon Clark comes highly recommended in my book for all your growth and healing needs! I’ve been getting channeled readings from Cinimon since 2008 when I was in the midst of a very dark time in my life. The information she channels and the guidance she gives you always resonates intuitively and is 100% on point. She works with her guide as well as your own and also others who have crossed over, to give you the most accurate information you need to always stand in your power and create the life you came here to experience. Cinimon is funny, warm-hearted, and dedicated to helping others through her readings. I’m forever grateful to have connected with her. She has been one of my biggest supporters and cheerleaders through every major life change I’ve had for over 10 years. Highly recommend and love her!”"
Shelly R.
"“Cinimon is a supportive, compassionate, and fun teacher. You’ll be safe. Even if you aren’t sure what your gifts are, she will help you find them. Sign up for her class–you’ve found your tribe!”"
Maggie W
"“I am so very, very grateful to Cinimon – this amazing woman with a personality full of life and love, light, and laughter. She is just a fantastic person and so generous in sharing her gifts to help people like us. I left my sessions feeling lighter and happier than I have in decades. If you are here on this page and see this review, take the plunge. Book a reading. Feel this happiness for yourself!” "
Pam H.
"“Cinimon is a beautiful soul that has the intention of spreading love, light, and power to all! She not only wants to help you be the very best version of yourself, but she also wants to help empower you so that you can take back your power!! Makes me cry tears of joy, and I am so very grateful!!! As someone who is just starting out on this spiritual journey, it means the world to me to have found someone like Cinimon. Such a kind, accepting, and loving soul and I’m so grateful to have met her!” "
Mary E.

All of us here at and Happy Empires are grateful for the contribution of our listeners and speakers, that's why we honor our speaker's great work. Due to the nature of digital programs refunds are unavailable. We rely on your authenticity and integrity as a listener to honor each speaker's digital assets as much as we do. We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.


Get Two (2) Personal Sessions with Cinimon Clark!

$375.00 regular program value - yours for 47% OFF!
Buy Now for $197 USD
100% Secure Payment

Need Help Ordering Or Have Questions?

If you have questions or concerns about the course, please contact us at 512.815.6222 or