Energy Foundation Course

Dr. Divi has been a family doctor for 25 years and is the founder of the Mind Body Spirit Center.

She is also an author, international speaker & teacher.

Her training post-medical school is wide and diverse. She is trained as a Mind Body Spirit Practitioner from the University of Washington. Dr Divi is also a Certified Medical Intuitive.

Through working with and crafting her intuitive skills, she now works with people with a variety of issues including Abundance, Life Purpose, Stress Management, Depression, Chronic pain, Parenting difficulties & more…

All of our life issues are connected with each other which is why Dr Divi loves what she does. It is never boring!

In Dr. Divi’s work, she has discovered that shifting mental and emotional states has an impact beyond words in our lives. It affects our pocket book, our daily happiness, our relationships and our body!

Dr. Divi is a world recognized teacher and healer in this field and helps people individually as well as in groups.

She has been featured on the TED Stage, in Movies, CBC radio, in the Huffington Post, on National TV and more!

#1 Energy Foundation

($97.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Welcome! I feel blessed and honored you are here. Let me take a minute to briefly introduce myself - I'm Dr. Divi - Family Doctor turned Intuitive. I help people get unstuck in their lives by using intuition and teaching techniques and processes to help them master their lives. In the work I teach, I help people have: Better relationships, better health, more money & more energy! All things that we all want! This is a recording from a LIVE class I taught, plus meditations at the bottom to help you integrate the work. Sending you lots of love.

#2 Class One

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

In this video, you will be exposed to the impact of thought and emotional energy. We have all "heard" that our thoughts create our reality. But how do we actually embody that? We embody thoughts and emotions since childhood. And we are always just responding to our old thoughts/emotions, without realizing it. In this video, we learn the power of those thoughts and the power of BREAKING momentum and building momentum. We also learn what our emotions are in reference to our mind and Divine Voice.

#3 Class Two

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

In this class, we begin the conversation of the I AM, and the observer. Dr. Divi also dives into the Abraham Hicks work (Law of Attraction) and some of the fundamental work necessary to create the lives we want. We explore techniques and processes that will help you. Dr. Divi speaks about shame, anxiety and the "lower emotions" and how to work with them. By using different meditations and techniques, you learn how to heal and shift them.

#4 Class Three

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

In this video, Dr. Divi continues to teach energy techniques to help you work with judgement, shame, worthiness, guilt and projection. In addition, we speak about love and our resistance to love. When we embrace love, we allow in MAGIC (divine magic!). You get beautiful meditations to shift, heal and hold more love.

#5 Class Four

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

In this last class, we dive into shame and the God Self. As we learn to heal shame, we allow in more in love. This class is a deeper dive into atonement and forgiveness of our "false self" so that we can hold more love. We allow in miracles (a shift in perception) as we forgive and atone and return to our true selves.

#6 Meditation ONE

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

In this first meditation, you will practice working with the breath and taking the breath into your body to relax you and center you. This meditation will heighten your parasympathetic nervous system. Enjoy!

#7 Meditation TWO

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

In this meditation, you will allow yourself to hold more love. As we hold more love, and sit in our center, we sit in the center of our Divine Will, our manifestation zone and more!

#8 Meditation THREE

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

In this last meditation, you will learn to truly practice more appreciation and gratitude. This is not just from the mind but truly from the body.

Energy Foundation Course

$297.00 regular program value - yours for 91% OFF!
Buy Now for $27 USD
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If you have questions or concerns about the course, please contact us at 512.815.6222 or

Praise for Dr. Divi Chandna:

""Highly Recommend This Work… I was pleased with the experience, as Dr Divi’s insights directed the conversation where it needed to go, leading me towards some important realixations about myself.""

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Energy Foundation Course

$297.00 regular program value - yours for 91% OFF!
Buy Now for $27 USD
100% Secure Payment

Need Help Ordering Or Have Questions?

If you have questions or concerns about the course, please contact us at 512.815.6222 or