Multidimensional Meditation Library

Emily the Mystic’s Multidimensional Meditation Library is a selection of 20+ signature meditations. Normally, these meditations are only available to participants in Emily’s group and private mentorship experiences, but she’s opening the vault for you to receive access to this exclusive content. These meditations were channeled directly from the Source and with the help of Emily’s angels, spirit guides, and Akashic Records support team so you won’t find these meditations anywhere else! If you are looking to deepen your meditation practice, connect with your own spirit guide support team, clear lifetimes of unconscious energy blocks, and feel more aligned with your Higher Self and your soul, this Meditation Library is exactly the tool that you need in your spiritual toolbox.

What You Receive:

    •  20+ meditations with binaural beats including:
      •  Energy Protection Meditation
      •  Energy Cleansing Meditation
      •  Third Eye Clearing Meditation
      •  Meet a Spirit Guide Meditation
      •  Subconscious Release & Reprogram Meditation
      •  Money Blocks Meditation
      • And so many more!

Unlimited access to the Meditation Library including new meditations that Emily creates on an ongoing basis. Take your meditations on the go- you can access the Meditation Library on a mobile phone by downloading the Kajabi app and logging in to the meditation library upon purchase.

This product has been created by:

Emily Logan Lewis, aka Emily The Mystic, is an Intuitive Mentor, an Akashic Records Expert Practitioner + Teacher, an intuition development coach, and a galactic channel. She’s on a mission to soften shadow work and help “old souls” heal, as well as reclaim their intuitive gifts, manifest their dreams, and experience the most joyful life while doing it. Emily is an expert in mediumship, past life regressions, meditation, the Akashic Records, hypnotherapy techniques, quantum healing, and other spiritual practices. She is living proof that you can change your life in a split second and is known for making the most aligned, purposeful, freedom-filled life possible.

#1 Daily Connection Ritual

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This Daily Ritual was designed to be a whole and complete morning practice for you to:

ground your energy
protect your energy
cleanse your energy
connect with your spirit guide team
allow in divine guidance

You may wish to do this meditation every morning or anytime that you feel like you could use a spiritual boost and to feel connected to Source/God/the Universe.

#2 Grounding Meditation

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This meditation was designed to ground your energy and connect you to mother earth. You may wish to use this meditation at any time when you feel spacey, out of it, floaty, disorganized, lack of focus, trouble concentrating, or having trouble coming back down to earth. You may wish to follow up this meditation with spending time outside to fully connect to the earth.

#3 Protection Meditation

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This meditation was designed to protect your energy for the day ahead by working with Archangel Michael. It will protect you from: negative/lower vibrational beings and energies as well as from energies that are not your own (such as energies that belong to other people or the collective).

#4 Energetic Cleansing Meditation

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This meditation was designed to clear your energy from anything that is not your own- from lower vibrational frequencies, psychic ties/cords from others, and emotional and energetic residues from others. You may wish to do this meditation at the end of the day to clear your energy before sleep.

#5 Receive Guidance Meditation

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This meditation was created to help you raise your vibration and shift your conscious awareness to connect with beings of the highest vibration to receive guidance for what's going on in your life. You can use this meditation anytime that you feel like you could use advice, guidance on what to do next, or how to move forward. You may wish to prepare questions ahead of time to ask your angels and guides.

#6 Third Eye Clearing Meditation

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This meditation was designed to help you clear energetic blocks from your third eye that could be blocking your intuition and psychic gifts from fully coming in. You may wish to repeat this meditation several times as there may be new energetic blocks that come up that are ready to be released.

#7 Pre-Reading Meditation

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This meditation was designed for practicing intuitives to help you tune in and connect to a client's energy before performing a reading. You may wish to do this meditation before doing an oracle card reading, an intuitive/psychic/mediumship reading, or before doing any healing work for a client.

#8 Post-Reading Meditation

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This meditation was created for practicing intuitives to help you disconnect from a client after doing a reading. You may wish to do this meditation after doing any form of intuitive work on other people including: oracle card readings, intuitive/psychic/mediumship readings, or any form of healing work.

#9 Higher Self Meditation

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This meditation was created for you to meet with your Higher Self to get to know them better and to receive messages of support and guidance for your journey.

#10 Gatekeeper Guide Meditation

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This meditation was created for you to meet with your Gatekeeper Guide- the spirit guide who supports you with your intuition, your third eye, your psychic gifts, and your channeling abilities. Your Gatekeeper Guide acts like a spiritual bodyguard to keep out energies that are not of the highest light so that you can more deeply and safely connect with your psychic gifts. You may wish to work more deeply with your Gatekeeper Guide if you are a practicing intuitive, do intuitive work for other people, or do healing work of any kind.

#11 Meet A Spirit Guide Meditation

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This meditation was created for you to meet with a spirit guide on your spirit guide team who is actively helping you on your journey at this time.

You may wish to go into this meditation with an open intention to meet any guide who wishes to step forward, or to set the intention to meet with a specific spirit guide that you are aware of or that you’ve worked with before. You may wish to write down questions ahead of time that you can ask during the meditation for support or guidance. You can return to this meditation at any time when you feel the need to receive guidance from a spirit guide.

#12 Guardian Angel Meditation

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This meditation was created for you to meet with your Guardian Angel- the angelic being assigned to you at birth who protects you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually throughout your lifetime here on earth.

#13 Archangel Meditation

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This meditation was created for you to meet with an Archangel. You may wish to choose a specific Archangel that you wish to connect with (such as Archangel Michael, Raphael, Metatron, Gabriel, Ariel, Uriel, or any others), or you may wish to go into this meditation with an open intention to meet with any Archangel that wishes to step forward today.

#14 Star Family Meditation

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This meditation was created for you to meet with one of your galactic and cosmic star families. Note- we are galactic and cosmic beings from may different star systems and so therefore we may have different star families from different planets and star systems. You may wish to set an intention to meet with a specific star family that you have in mind (such as the Pleiadeans, the Arcturians, the Andromedans, the Sirians, etc.) or you may wish to go into this with an open intention to meet with any star family of yours that would like to step forward. You may repeat this as many times as you want to meet with different star families.

#15 Ascended Master Meditation

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This meditation was created for you to meet with for you to meet with an Ascended Master. You may wish to choose a specific Ascended Master that you wish to connect with (such as Goddess Isis, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Athena, Aphrodite, Bridget, Jesus, Buddha, or any others), or you may wish to go into this meditation with an open intention to meet with any Ascended Master that wishes to step forward today.

#16 Passed Loved One Meditation

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This meditation was created for you to meet with a loved one of yours who resides on the other side. You may wish to go into this meditation with an open intention to meet any loved one who wishes to step forward, or to set the intention to meet with a specific loved one that you would like to connect with. You may wish to write down questions ahead of time that you can ask during the meditation for support or guidance. You can return to this meditation at any time when you feel the need to receive guidance from a spirit guide.

#17 Subconscious Release and Reprogram Meditation

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This meditation was created for you to heal, clear, and release the energy around a trigger that may be blocking you from manifesting or moving forward in life. Begin by identifying any triggers in your external reality such as: triggering memories, difficult relationships or family situations, challenging conversations, everyday annoyances, disappointments, resentments, fears, worries, anxieties, daily stresses, or anything else that is bothering you in your day to day life. You may wish to keep a journal log of all of these "triggers" and return to this meditation on a daily or weekly basis to discover what is at the root of the trigger. You may discover a limiting belief or a memory at the root. Once you've identified the root, we will heal it and clear it and neutralize the energy around the trigger. We will also reprogram a new belief to take its place. Ideally, if a similar situation or event were to happen in the future, it will no longer bother you AND it will create space for your manifestations to come in.

#18 Shadow Work Meditation

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This meditation was designed for you to discover an aspect of your shadow.

First, become aware of what is living in your shadow by taking inventory of: people, behaviors, activities, traits, or beliefs that you actively or often judge, the situations, people or circumstances that you gossip about, the things in modern culture and in our collective that you feel disconnected from or triggered by, and the aspects of yourself that you disown, refuse to identify with, push away, or run from. Choose 1 thing that you would like to heal during the meditation.

This meditation will take you into your shadow to discover the root of where this shadow aspect comes from, why it’s been in your shadow, what it needs to be able to heal, and how you can integrate it moving forward. Integrating your shadow helps you become more of your authentic self and therefore manifest the things in your reality that you desire.You may wish to repeat this meditation as often as you become aware of any new shadow aspects to heal.

#19 Past Life Meditation

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This meditation was designed for you to tap into a past life experience in order to heal from a past trauma to your soul.

This past life meditation is very gentle, and in no way will harm you or hurt you. However, proceed with caution and only tap into this meditation when you truly feel ready for it. Your guides will never show you anything that you can’t handle or that won’t be necessary or helpful for you to see. You will be supported by your angelic and spirit guide support teams every step of the way. You may wish to repeat this meditation at any time to get to the root of where you may be blocked from manifesting what you desire.

#20 Future Timeline Meditation

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This meditation was designed for you to tap into a future potential reality so that we can call your manifestations into the now.

This meditation may make you aware of what your heart is truly desiring so that you can set the intention to actively manifest whatever that is. It may also show you the dream lifestyle that your soul has been craving. We will set the intention to align you to the energy of that future timeline, to call that timeline into the now, and receive guidance for how you can manifest that timeline even faster.

#21 Money Blocks Meditation

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This meditation was designed for you to clear and heal any active money blocks that are stopping the flow of money from coming into your reality.

Money is a completely neutral energy and so we will be clearing limiting beliefs, illusions, and old programming that has become attached to the energy of money in your reality. By clearing these subconscious blocks, you can create space for more money and abundance to come in. You will also be shown an action step that you can take in order to call forward more money and abundance. You may wish to repeat this meditation as often as you would like in order to feel aligned to the energy of money.

All of us here at and Happy Empires are grateful for the contribution of our listeners and speakers, that's why we honor our speaker's great work. Due to the nature of digital programs refunds are unavailable. We rely on your authenticity and integrity as a listener to honor each speaker's digital assets as much as we do. We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.


Multidimensional Meditation Library

$497.00 regular program value - yours for 80% OFF!
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