✨Liberate Your Sacred | Light 8 Week Course✨

In this Liberate Your Sacred Light Course, Light Activation Coach Jamie Wozny liberates and empowers light workers, healers, and sensitive souls who are ready to be seen, to be heard and to shine. She intuitively sees the gifts you bring to the world and illuminates the path for you to stand proudly in your radiant light, actualize your soul gifts and experience the full magnificence of who you truly are.

This 8-week course is a compilation of 8 life-changing lessons, healings, journal exercises, prayers and meditations to support you in finding the liberation of your own heart and unique soul expression so that you can live as the fully expressed being of light you came here to be.

✨Lesson 1 Heart’s Longings
✨Lesson 2 Manifesting
✨Lesson 3 The Fear of Shining
✨Lesson 4 Finding Your Purpose
✨Lesson 5 Brave Leadership
✨Lesson 6 Brain Rewiring
✨Lesson 7 From Pain to Gratitude
✨Lesson 8 Soul Connection

(Lessons are an average of 29 minutes)

Jamie designed this course for 1 lesson each week to allow you time to do the suggested practices each week and let each lesson sink in. You will have access to all 8 lessons at once so feel free to go at the pace your heart desires.

This product has been created by:

Jamie uses her own powerful, intuitive and energetic mind, body & spirit healing gifts to assist to liberate the light seekers of this world. She does this by guiding you to embody your power, live in your flow & live as your unique divine truth; divinely connected, soul, heart & Source led. Working with her activates fulfillment of your Divine Mission.

#1 Lesson 1 - Part 1 Heart's Longings

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

In lesson one, we talk about the importance of getting in touch with the longings of our hearts so that we can create our lives from a higher place and not from patterns of our past.

You'll uncover what makes you tick and makes life worth living and have the time to explore this for yourself after the lesson. We'll end with a prayer meditation to connect you back into your desires to liberate your sacred light.

#2 Lesson 1 Part 2 Heart's Longings

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

In lesson 2, you'll learn the shortcut secret to manifesting the longings of your heart.

You'll get in tune with what you actually want so you can begin to align with this in the physical world. We'll pray, tune in, slow down together and get clear. We'll end with a meditation to get started calling your desires toward you right now.

#3 Lesson 2 Manifesting

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

In lesson 2, you'll learn the shortcut secret to manifesting the longings of your heart.

You'll get in tune with what you actually want so you can begin to align with this in the physical world. We'll pray, tune in, slow down together and get clear. We'll end with a meditation to get started calling your desires toward you right now.

#4 Lesson 3 The Fear of Shining

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

We'll talk about some of our fears around shining, being ourselves, our light so that we can start to see what's going on "under the hood" in order to offer it healing so we begin to feel safer being ourselves.

We'll do an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) energy healing exercise in this one as well. (You can find out more about EFT through

#5 Lesson 4 Finding Your Purpose

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

In this lesson, Jamie shares her take on living a life of purpose, impact and meaning, allowing it to unfold naturally.

In this lesson, she shares a prayer as well as journal prompts to get you curious about a path that lights you up. You may find the guidance and clues you've been seeking here. Enjoy.

#6 Lesson 5 Brave Leadership

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This lesson is near and dear to Jamie's heart as she speaks deeply to the heart and soul of other Divine Beings of Light here on this planet at this time reminding you of your bravery and how to use it to stand proudly in your truth.

#7 Lesson 6 Brain Rewiring

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

Jamie teaches you a tool to rewire your brain. This is inspired by the work of the Dynamic Neural Retraining System.

She will guide you in a meditation to take you through the practice of one way to set yourself free from past patterns.

#8 Lesson 7 From Pain to Gratitude

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

In this lesson, we transmute energies by bringing them to the light. We look to gifts, lessons, light and gratitude that may have been there all along hiding in the shadows.

Jamie walks us through how to do this as well and gives you a couple of journaling exercises to bring relief from seeing your life through the eyes of love and not fear.

#9 Lesson 8 Soul Connection

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

This final lesson is all about connecting you back into your soul, your heart, who you really are. You come back home here.

You learn how to speak a new language, "the language of the soul.” We'll pray, intend and ask to be reunited with who we are.

All of us here at and Happy Empires are grateful for the contribution of our listeners and speakers, that's why we honor our speaker's great work. Due to the nature of digital programs refunds are unavailable. We rely on your authenticity and integrity as a listener to honor each speaker's digital assets as much as we do. We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.


✨Liberate Your Sacred | Light 8 Week Course✨

$397.00 regular program value - yours for 76% OFF!
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