Are you ready to embody eternal peace in every fiber of your being? Are you ready to take on responsibility for what you project out to the world? Now you can take ownership and control of your conscious awareness as the creator of your life on all levels.

Come together as one consciousness, one mind, and one heart, as an ambassador of peace to the acceleration of this planet. Be ready as a clear and perfect channel for grace, compassion and wisdom.

On this journey you will be guided through the Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Soul Body to release pain, create healing and lift you to a higher level.

Although you can listen to any part of Kenji’s Blessings Intensive in any order, the best way to receive these intensives are in the particular order they were created. The Series are also evergreen; meaning that at any time you need this in your existence it will work for you as if it were live.

#1 The Blessings Series Intensive- Part I :Welcome Call

($40.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Welcome to this free call for a general overview of what to expect during this series. Whether you feel issues with money, being alone, weight or pain issues, or maybe you just feel you don’t belong; this series can help you on all levels. Use this series to welcome in all the realms of possibilities, enabling you to connect deeper to your spirit self and move into the life where you are secure and able to progress to a higher level.

Downloadable Audio
Length: 51 minutes
Format: MP3

#2 Activation 1 -The Physical Body and Building Strength

($40.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Many of you may be exhausted, tired all the time, and even filled with disease. In this session, we will concentrate on bringing in more light and energy into your existence. This can help with making you look and feel younger, ridding your body of pain and disease and giving you a greater sense of self overall. Breath in this activation and empty out everyone else’s “stuff” you may be holding on to. Open up your chakras and release all irrelevant information that is not for you. Letting go of all this misinformation and distorted truths to bring you into greater alignment with your true self while spreading out more light and joy into your existence.

Downloadable Audio
Length: 1:07 minutes
Format: MP3

#3 Activation 2 -The Emotional Body and Building Balance

($40.00 Value) Included with your purchase

You may feel as if you are feeling stuck in your emotional body, this can have a large impact on the area of your stomach, digestive system and/or your head and neck. Energy can get distorted and redirected, even an overall feeling of being emotionally alone in our lives. Kenji guides you to release these past issues in this amazing activation. You may feel emotions come up, but be assured; you are being led to a greater purpose and connection to your soul family. Allow all the emotions and emotional responses, you have been carrying onto since childhood, finally be released. Let go of all these imprints and feel the connection again with your pure emotional intentions.

Downloadable Audio
Length: 1:07 minutes
Format: MP3

#4 Activation 3 -The Mental Body and Building Harmony

($40.00 Value) Included with your purchase

In this session, we will release the collective and genetic dysfunctional coding that has been coming through your DNA patterns and handed down from generations. Clearing out your mind of old mental patterns, which may come with some resistance, will help guide you to your new way of thinking. Move away from analyzing all your moves and knowing what to do next and journey into a simpler belief and trust that everything is well. Experience a Divine re-attunement of your personality and inner child to help you function more smoothly, more efficiently, more peacefully.

Downloadable Audio
Length: 1:09minutes
Format: MP3

#5 Activation 4 -The Soul Body and Activating Illumination

($40.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Work with the Rainbow Matrix in this activation; allow the colors of this earth and other dimensions to surround you. Feel the connection of your chakras in all your layers of awareness, which may or may not be activated. Accept, embrace and acknowledge the inclusion of the light into your Soul Body as you move up the ladder of consciousness and enlighten your awareness during this final activation in this series. You will be guided to strengthen your silver life- line cord and your magnetic field to reconnect more deeply with your soul intuition body.

Downloadable Audio
Length: 1:10minutes
Format: MP3

#6 The Blessings Series Intensive- Part II :Money, Identity, Career, Relationships Welcome Call

($40.00 Value) Included with your purchase

In this section of the Blessing series we will work on clearing out your past coding of negative and disbeliefs while receiving divine guidance for your new path. Join Kenji as we embark on this new Series, which takes place right after the Harvest Moon, Blood Moon and Lunar Eclipse. Enjoy this introduction call, which includes a short activation to prepare you for this series. Allow all resistance to be set aside to help you receive all of necessary parts of this intensive series. You will be building upon all of the previous activations as you move along through these activations and get to your life’s purpose. This 4-day activation journey we will focus on aligning you with Money & Success, remove the unrealistic beliefs of your identity and provide greater self-empowerment. Help with your Career and Spiritual Growth to confirm you are in the field that is right for you as well as providing assistance in connecting with the right relationships and intentions. Although you can listen to any part of Kenji’s Blessings Intensive in any order, the best way to receive these intensives are in the particular order they were created. The Series are also evergreen; meaning that at any time you need this in your existence it will work for you as if it were live.

Downloadable Audio
Length: :28 minutes
Format: MP3

#7 Activation 1 -Money and Success

($40.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Why is money such a great challenge in people’s lives? Is it something stored in your conscious awareness? Do you secretly believe there isn’t enough money to go around or you don’t deserve to have it? Perhaps you were raised to believe money is the root of all evil, or that rich people are not good people. Kenji explains that even if you have a healthy view of money, you may have some issues in the background, like unclosed apps, imprinting you to resist abundance. We live in a world where we are led to believe that healers, care givers, even teachers are not supposed to make a lot of money. This is something we can change.

Downloadable Audio
Length: 1:12 minutes
Format: MP3

#8 Activation 2 -Identity and Self-Empowerment

($40.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Dive into this activation to review your early childhood relationship to parents, church and fear of the unknown. We will bring forth your inner child, or the unconscious aspects of you, that are ready for shifting and healing. Your sense of self and self worth is a common thread in this series, a sense that was developed at an early age. However a lot of us may have had trauma or abuse early on or in our upbringing and caused this image of ourselves to become askew. Why do we not feel safe, what is holding you back from truly expressing your power and your identity? How often can you be your authentic self? Take the journey with Kenji and release these barriers deep within you to feel free again and live your authentic life.

Downloadable Audio
Length: 1:12 minutes
Format: MP3

#9 Activation 3 - Career and Spiritual Growth

($40.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Join Kenji on this spiritual journey to guide you to the right career path. Your lifetime platform, which you use here for your service to humanity, can be a healer, a doctor, even a parent. Are you in your right career and if not how come? What is it you truly desire? Are you in a profession right now to please someone else? Are you in a career just to get by? Are you even doing what you were trained to do or what you intended to do? Maybe you are worn out by your job or perhaps your field doesn’t align with your beliefs.

Downloadable Audio
Length: 1:11 minutes
Format: MP3

#10 Activation 4-Right Relationships and Intentions

($40.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Who am I? What am I? Where am I going? Why am I here? Take some time during this activation to view your relationship with the world. Invite your Soul Family, Angels and Animal Allies to help with these relationships. We will revisit your childhood and view of relationships with your parents or guardians, as this is the time when your view of relationships for your life was developed. Do you have boundaries? Did you feel safe and protected? The coding of our development is passed down not only through what we experience, but also in our DNA coding. Are you aware of how you communicate with others who you interact with on a daily basis? Is your intention that of what will bring you the right relationships and connections or are you sabotaging yourself and allowing others to mistreat you?

Downloadable Audio
Length: 1:11 minutes
Format: MP3

#11 The Blessings Series Intensive- Part III : Welcome Call

($40.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Start your journey with this welcome call to enlighten you on the 4 major Archetypes that relate to as all in individual ways. You can tune into your inner knowing and sub conscious to break down these subtle images of ourselves. Change the way these images affect your life, allowing you to now manifest your purpose.

Downloadable Audio
Length: 0:30 minutes
Format: MP3

#12 Activation 1–The Victim

($40.00 Value) Included with your purchase

How often do you blame others for what happens in your life? How often do you pity yourself or envy others that seem to have all they want? In this activation we will call forth the part of your unconscious that is in need of healing today. The shadow aspects of ourselves, part that may have been suppressed, is asked to come into view. Your victim self is not only there to dissuade or make you feel unworthy, but can also be there to help guide you into unwanted or dangerous situations. Use this as your ally, friend, helper. Learn to handle the challenges of these archetypes and use them for your greater good.

Downloadable Audio
Length: 1:12 minutes
Format: MP3

#13 Activation 2 –The Saboteur

($40.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Take a moment to investigate the Archetype of the Saboteur. Are you sabotaging your life and future, your wants and needs? Check in with your past relationships or work experiences, do you finally get something you want only to then imagine it falling apart? Do you unknowingly manifest the demise of your happiness? This can all be related to your self-esteem and self worth. You may feel unworthy therefor the Saboteur will come in and make sure you do not get what feel you don’t deserve. We will help you to release those doubts and disbelief of yourself in this very intensive activation.

Downloadable Audio
Length: 1:12 minutes
Format: MP3

#14 Activation 3 –The Inner Child

($40.00 Value) Included with your purchase

We all have an inner child; some are secured and coddled where others still may feel pain and trauma from childhood. When we have misunderstood experiences with adults or parents when we are young, our emotional bodies can become discombobulated. After time, we may shut down, our perception and abilities to know become damaged. During this call, and maybe even ongoing, we will start to unravel the layers of our wounded child. Healing this inner child cannot only help you excel but can also assist you in helping others to excel. Healing your inner child is an experience you can find joyful and loving.

Downloadable Audio
Length: 1:11 minutes
Format: MP3

#15 Activation 4 – the Prostitute

($40.00 Value) Included with your purchase

On this final intensive, we dive into the purpose of the Archetype of the Prostitute. We refer to the prostitute as compromising your morality, negotiating your integrity for physical survival, financial gain or emotional comfort. Yet here, you will be guided to where you can keep your power and still accumulate all that you desire. Maybe you are in a relationship, marriage, or business partnership for security, emotional, financial reasons. Is it weighing you down and causing more challenges in your life? Embark on this amazing journey and be led to a place where you can stand in your truth.

Downloadable Audio
Length: 1:13 minutes
Format: MP3

#16 The Blessings Series Intensive- Part IV : Welcome Call

($40.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Kenji explains the journey you will take during these 4 intensive activations. How each part will help you become more aware of the spiritual person that you really are. Receive insight and intuitions on this activation to guide you to what it is you may need assistance with. Hear the call of what is right for you. These activations can and will continue to play on in the background of your subconscious and your intuition will be the key. What you need to hear and how you need to hear it will come up for you and guide you.

Downloadable Audio
Length: 0:30 minutes
Format: MP3

#17 Activation 1 –The Healer

($40.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Become aware of any resistance you may have about becoming the true Healer within. We all have healing capabilities that we can send out into the world, regardless of your profession. Use this activation to become more present and in tune with your divine abilities to help heal the world around you. Clear out your beliefs regarding money, any belief that healers are not supposed to charge for their services, beliefs that money is evil, beliefs that you must work really hard for your money, and instead, allow the abundance to flow to you. Let’s take a deep journey within to connect your light with all abundance as well as bring about the true belief and confidence in your abilities.

Downloadable Audio
Length: 1:12 minutes
Format: MP3

#18 Activation 2 –The Teacher

($40.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Some of you may have known or felt the desire or need to be a teacher. Maybe you have realized it and have difficulty expressing your ideas, perhaps your ideas are ahead of your time. Regardless of the issues you face, Kenji is here to help you to project your teachings to the world. This activation will give you the assistance to express your visions, connect with your tribe and enlighten the world. Bring into alignment people that are looking for your knowledge and wisdom as well as connecting with like-minded individuals and finding the right platform to express your gifts.

Downloadable Audio
Length: 1:11 minutes
Format: MP3

#19 Activation 3 –The Ambassador

($40.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Take a minute to think about being an Ambassador in your life, what does it mean to you? Connect within to receive the energy of your Ambassador, how does this hold true for you? You can tap into the Ambassador Archetypes at anytime to receive the energies of peacemaker, spirituality, and understanding. Maybe you have shut down this part of you due to not being accepted by the world, however now is the time for

Downloadable Audio
Length: 1:08 minutes
Format: MP3

#20 Activation 4 -Initiator

($40.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Downloadable Audio
Length: 1:12 minutes
Format: MP3


#21 Austin House of Light

($57.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Downloadable Video and Audio
Length: 30 minutes
Format: MP4 and MP3

Activation Unfolds in the background Appropriate to You & Builds Up-Levelled Awareness with successive listening.

#22 Guidebook

BONUS Included for a limited-time only

Downloadable Guidebook
Length: 4 pages
Format: PDF

Includes details about what you will learn, how to use the video and audio activation, and a little bit about Kenji himself.


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If you have questions or concerns about the course, please contact us at 512.815.6222 or

Praise for Speaker Special Offer : Kenji Kumara : The Blessings :

"For the last 10 years I’ve had the privilege of interviewing and working with the foremost top energy healers on the planet. Without a doubt Kenji Kumara is the most gifted and talented healers I’ve ever met. I say this because personally working with him gave me a healing experience that ranks right along side my own outer body ‘death’ and re-birth experience. Kenji is kind, compassionate, honorable and has an incredible gift with his soul healings. I recommend him to anyone who wants a deep renewal, healing or awakening. He is also an amazing and humorous guest expert who entertains, delights and brings joy to everyone who hears his words. I give him 5 stars and my highest recommendation."
Darius M. Barazandeh, JD, MBA

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If you have questions or concerns about the course, please contact us at 512.815.6222 or