Multi-Dimensional Lineage and Generational - Trauma Healing Series

Embarking on a multi-dimensional generational trauma healing journey is a profound and courageous endeavor, one that requires deep introspection, compassion, and a commitment to breaking the cycle of intergenerational pain.

This healing journey is a sacred and empowering endeavor that holds the potential to catalyze profound healing and transformation on personal, familial, and collective levels. May you embark on this journey with courage, compassion, and an open heart, knowing that you are supported and guided every step of the way.

This product has been created by:

Dr. Marie Mbouni is a consciousness coach, shaman, and speaker. Marie uses medicinal plant medicine to unlock deeply hidden trauma. During this session we will talk about neurochemical effects, altered states of consciousness, facilitated therapy and neuroplasticity

#1 Multi-Dimensional Generational Trauma Healing Journey - with 7Hz Theta Brain Waves: Audio

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Embarking on a multi-dimensional generational trauma healing journey is a profound and courageous endeavor, one that requires deep introspection, compassion, and a commitment to breaking the cycle of intergenerational pain.

This healing journey is a sacred and empowering endeavor that holds the potential to catalyze profound healing and transformation on personal, familial, and collective levels. May you embark on this journey with courage, compassion, and an open heart, knowing that you are supported and guided every step of the way.

Silenced Stories: In many families, traumatic experiences may be shrouded in silence or denial, with painful stories and emotions suppressed or unacknowledged. This can lead to a sense of disconnection from one's own history and identity, as well as perpetuate cycles of secrecy, shame, and unresolved grief within the family system.

Understanding the impact of generational trauma on family history and ancestral patterns is essential for healing and breaking the cycle of intergenerational pain. By acknowledging and honoring the stories of our ancestors, we can reclaim lost aspects of ourselves, heal inherited wounds, and create a legacy of healing and resilience for future generations.

#2 Shamanic Soul and Destiny Retrieval - Freeing Yourself from the Bonds of Hopelessness - with 7Hz Theta Brain Waves: Audio

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In the sacred space of shamanic soul and destiny retrieval, you will find the keys to unlock the shackles of hopelessness and step into the radiant light of your true essence.

Trust in the wisdom and guidance of the shamanic path, and know that you are supported and held by the loving embrace of the Earth and Spirit.

As you journey deeper into the recesses of your soul, you will begin to reclaim lost aspects of your power, vitality, and purpose. Through soul and destiny retrieval, you will retrieve fragmented soul parts that have been lost or fragmented due to trauma or adversity, restoring wholeness and vitality to your being.

As you emerge from the depths of your shamanic journey, you will find yourself liberated from the bonds of hopelessness and despair.

Embrace the newfound sense of hope and possibility that fills your heart, knowing that you are now free to live a life of purpose, passion, and profound connection with the web of life.

#3 Shamanic Art of Psychic Self-Defense: Audio

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"Shamanic Harmonic BioShield®" Visualization Journey With Alpha Brain Waves and Isochronic Tones

For thousands of years, shamans have been using powerful spiritual protection techniques for psychic defense and clearing negative energy.

The Shamanic Art of Psychic Self-Defense encompasses ancient techniques for protecting one's energy and maintaining spiritual sovereignty.

Aimed at protecting one's energy field, maintaining spiritual sovereignty, and repelling negative influences or psychic attacks.

The Harmonic Shield Visualization Journey is a powerful practice that offers consciousness protection technology through guided visualization meditation to fortify your energetic boundaries and shield yourself from negative influences.

Incorporating the shamanic art of psychic self-defense into your spiritual practice empowers you to navigate the energetic realms with confidence, grace, and resilience, enabling you to maintain spiritual sovereignty and protect your energy field from unwanted influences.

#4 Shamanic Art of Psychic Self-Defense: PDF

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Consciousness Protection Technology: The "Shamanic Harmonic BioShield®"

#5 Galactic Journey Into The Planet Venus: Video

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The galactic journey into the planet Venus is to awaken to the infinite possibilities of the universe and to embody the highest truths of love, wisdom, and unity. It is a sacred quest for self-discovery, enlightenment, and cosmic communion that transcends the boundaries of time and space, leading individuals ever closer to the divine source from which all life emanates.

This Venusian exploration offers an opportunity to transcend illusions and limiting beliefs that hinder spiritual growth. By confronting the unknown and stepping outside of familiar paradigms, individuals challenge preconceived notions of reality and open themselves to new possibilities for personal and collective evolution.

The journey into Venus is ultimately a journey into the heart of divine love and compassion. As individuals immerse themselves in the beauty, harmony, and grace of the Venusian realm, they are reminded of the inherent goodness and interconnectedness of all creation. They are inspired to embody these qualities in their daily lives.

#6 Peace and Tranquility Journey to Release Overwhelm: Audio

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Navigating trauma-induced overwhelm is a delicate journey that requires patience, self-compassion, and intentional self-care Embarking on a journey toward peace and tranquility is a sacred pilgrimage of the soul, a deliberate step away from the cacophony of overwhelm and toward the serene sanctuary of inner calm.

As you traverse this path toward peace and tranquility, may you find solace in the gentle whispers of your heart and the timeless rhythm of the universe. Embrace each moment as a sacred gift, and know you are worthy of boundless love, joy, and serenity.

#7 Peace and Tranquility Journey to Release Overwhelm: Companion PDF

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Peace and Tranquility Meditation Journey: A Guided Shamanic Journey & Meditation for Connecting to Your Inner Peace

#8 Journey From Shame to Self-Love with Alpha Bliss Brain Waves & Trypnaural Brain Waves: Audio

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Transitioning from Shame to Self-Love is a journey that begins with understanding the intricate nature of shame itself. Unlike many emotions, shame is deeply intertwined with our interactions and connections with others. It often arises not from solitary moments but from interactions with our primary caregivers or significant figures in our lives. A mere glance, a harsh word, or the absence of acknowledgment can swiftly summon the weight of shame upon us.

To differentiate between shame and guilt is crucial in this journey:

Guilt revolves around actions: "I did something wrong."

Shame, however, strikes at the core of our being: "I am something wrong."

In delving into this transition, we confront various facets of shame and its manifestations: Trauma: Often, trauma skews our perception, leading us to believe that we somehow deserved the events that transpired, compounding the weight of shame upon our shoulders.

Core Childhood Wounds: Abandonment, rejection, betrayal, humiliation, and injustice—these wounds inflicted during our formative years can sow the seeds of deep-seated shame within us.

Religious Trauma: Dogmatic beliefs instilled in childhood, such as the notion of being born sinful and in need of salvation, can exacerbate feelings of inherent inadequacy and shame.

The 7 Deadly Sins: Greed, vanity, sloth, envy, lust, gluttony, and wrath—each a mirror reflecting societal judgments and fostering shame around our perceived moral failings.

Body Shame: Feeling too big, fat, ugly, clumsy, or slow; the struggle to conform to societal ideals of beauty and perfection can fuel profound shame regarding our physical selves.

Sexual Shame: Whether it's the mere expression of sexuality or the condemnation of certain desires and orientations, sexual shame can undermine our sense of self-worth and acceptance.

Money Shame: Not having enough, making mistakes, labeling ourselves as stupid or lazy due to financial struggles—each instance compounds the shame we harbor regarding our perceived worth and capabilities.

Navigating the path from shame to self-love requires gentle introspection, compassionate understanding, and a commitment to unraveling the layers of self-criticism and judgment. It's about recognizing that our worthiness transcends external validations and societal standards, embracing our inherent value, and cultivating a deep reservoir of self-love and acceptance from within.

#9 Discover Your Spirit Animal Shamanic Journey with Brainwave Entrainment: Audio

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Note: Brainwave entrainment does not always sound pleasant. However, it is very powerful.

Brainwave entrainment is a technique that aims to synchronize brainwave frequencies with an external stimulus, such as sound, light, or electromagnetic fields. The idea is that by exposing the brain to rhythmic stimuli, it can be induced to generate brainwaves at the same frequency as the stimulus. Brainwave entrainment has been explored for various purposes, including stress reduction, enhanced focus, improved sleep, and even as a tool for meditation and self-improvement.

The concept of a Spirit Animal, also known as a totem animal or power animal, originates from various indigenous cultures around the world. It represents a spiritual guide or guardian that embodies certain qualities and characteristics, offering guidance, protection, and support to individuals who connect with it on a deep level.

Embarking on a Shamanic Journey to Discover Your Spirit Animal is a sacred quest for connection with the natural world and the wisdom of the animal kingdom. Through this journey, you will tap into the depths of your subconscious mind and open yourself to the guidance and teachings of your animal ally.

Personal Connection: A spirit animal is believed to be a personal guide that is uniquely attuned to an individual's energy, personality, and life path. It often appears in dreams, visions, or meditative journeys, offering insight and guidance tailored to the individual's needs.

Symbolism and Meaning: Each spirit animal carries its own symbolism and meaning, often associated with specific traits, attributes, and lessons. For example, the wolf may symbolize loyalty, intuition, and social connection, while the eagle may represent vision, wisdom, and spiritual insight.

Inner Wisdom and Intuition: Spirit animals are seen as embodiments of the natural world's wisdom and intuition, offering guidance and support as individuals navigate life's challenges and transitions. Connecting with one's spirit animal can help awaken dormant talents, strengths, and instincts.

Protector and Guardian: Spirit animals are often viewed as protectors and guardians, offering strength, courage, and resilience in times of need. They are believed to provide spiritual protection and assistance, helping individuals overcome obstacles and find their way on their spiritual journey.

Animal Allies: In indigenous cultures, spirit animals are considered sacred allies and kin, revered for their wisdom, power, and connection to the natural world. They are honored through rituals, ceremonies, and prayers and are seen as integral members of the community.

Shapeshifting and Transformation: Spirit animals are associated with the concept of shapeshifting and transformation, symbolizing the ability to adapt, evolve, and grow. They teach lessons of resilience, flexibility, and the cyclical nature of life and death.

Connection to Nature: Spirit animals serve as ambassadors of the natural world, fostering a deeper connection between humans and the environment. They remind us of our interconnectedness with all living beings and the importance of living in harmony with nature.

Personal Journey and Discovery: Discovering one's spirit animal is often seen as a deeply personal journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. It involves tuning into one's intuition, exploring inner landscapes, and cultivating a deeper understanding of one's unique gifts and purpose.

Spirit animals serve as powerful guides and allies on the journey of life, offering wisdom, protection, and support to those who seek their guidance. Whether encountered in dreams, visions, or meditative journeys, they serve as reminders of the sacredness of all life and the interconnectedness of the universe.

#10 111 Journaling Prompts For Compassionate Self Inquiry & Inner Healing

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This journey is a beautiful arc that starts with strengthening your healing vortex and diving into deeper layers of inner healing.

This ebook has 111 prompts to support your journey to inner peace and happiness.

WHY is the number of prompts 111?

I sat in meditation to receive the number of prompts that would be most beneficial. I received the number 111. I then asked for the significance and symbolism of 111.

The number 111 has a solid connection to the process of spiritual awakening. This number helps to remind you of the importance of maintaining a positive outlook and Allowing yourself to be free of doubts and anxieties.

1 and 11 make up angel number 111. That’s all about making new beginnings and taking further steps toward freedom, Spiritual awakening, spiritual progress, and a leap in intuition and prosperity. It means you’ve opened an energetic portal leading to better times.

You will learn to start cultivating true self-love from the power of self-awareness, forgiveness, and self-acceptance.

Discover the benefits of a gratitude practice and experience liberation with the shadow and small T trauma work, self-inquiry, and reflection.

You will reclaim an empowered way of living your life!

#11 Unlocking the Sacred Power of Heart Healing: A Pathway to Awakening, Evolution, and Liberation: Audio

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“Unlocking the Sacred Power of Heart Healing: A Pathway to Awakening, Evolution, and Liberation”

#12 Stewards of the Sacred: Video

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This interview was originally part of the Stewards of the Sacred virtual conference created by Natasja Pelgrom

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Multi-Dimensional Lineage and Generational - Trauma Healing Series

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