Ambujam's Accelerated Healing Empowerment Package: Group Power Healing® Session + Veil Removal Series + Self-Empowering Accelerated Healing Series

ambujam rose special offerGroup Power Healing® Accelerated Healing: Own Who You Are Embody Your Kick-Ass Self
3 HOME STUDY COURSES to Support Your Embodiment, Remove Ego Survival Veils And Energy That’s “Not You” Throughout Your System and Consciousness

#1 Group Power Healing®

($88.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Topic: Accelerated Healing: Own Who You Are Embody Your Kick-Ass Self Session Overview & Healing Focus:

It’s time to be and own who you are and own your uniqueness more than ever. This Group Power Healing® session is a powerhouse of support to own who you are! We’ll clear the old fears, traumas, dis-beliefs, dis-harmonies, old teachings, old identities of ANYTHING that does not support you being your wholeness, sovereignty, empowerment and owning your kick-ass self. This session brings accelerated healing, clearing and awakening to all the specific layers you’ve been working with and clears out the old energy patterns faster so you can own and embody your truth.

All you need to do is just be and the session will do the rest! Your specific and significant multi-parts and Soul History related to you embodying yourself, your truth, your trust come with you to this session for accelerated healing, understanding, awakening, completing and letting go of the old.

Effortlessly heal and move forward NOW in what would've normally taken weeks, months, years, lifetimes

Free the roots of original patterns and Soul History cycles related to fully being your authentic empowered self now

Unlock your inner knowing, strengthen trust in yourself and energize your heart’s truth and path

Receive EFFORTLESS accelerated healing and clearing for your old no-longer-relevant inner consciousness, Soul and Spiritual history, cellular held experiences, this-life stuff, energies, root causes of life-themes and release identity related to you being who you are stemming back through lifetimes.

As these parts of you heal and free up, you EFFORTLESSLY align, awaken and integrate in owning who you are in wholeness and activate stronger self-empowerment.

Receive specific information, empowering guidance and teachings for how to navigate your new changes, your spiritual quickening and living your highest path of deepest inner truth at this time.

We'll partner with the current energy activations, spiritual shifts and what's up and coming to move you through your changes as easy as possible.

Date & Time: Sunday, March 24th 12:00p-1:00p ET (New York time)

#2 How to TRULY Clear What’s NOT Your Energy 1

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Before you invest ANY time working on an issue, don’t forget to ask yourself this foundational question: Is this even mine? Your current spiritual quickenings, awakenings and deeper healings are opening you up to having more access to inner and outer energy now. You’ve become even more sensitive to energy around you than ever before. You’re navigating new energetic territory and need next level discernment. Clearing other people’s energy or that weird-hard-to-name dimensional energy can be layered and not just a snap of the fingers. Learn’s Ambujam’s empowering and profound step by step process to understand how energy gets in your space and how to foundationally clear it for good.

#1: Introduction (runtime 10:18) Ambujam shares her story of how this process changed her life Learn how other energies get in your body, energy, emotions and space. Learn why this is ultimately empowering and how it strengthens you

#3 How to TRULY Clear What’s NOT Your Energy - 2

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

#2: Why and how other energies stick to you: Ambujam’s process to clear yourself for real (runtime 22:05) Learn the warning signs of when you’re being affected by outside energies. Learn the realistic ways of how negative energy works. Learn the questions to ask yourself to know what’s you and what’s not. Learn how unfinished Soul experiences with others can also be part of the outer energy you’re feeling.

#4 How to TRULY Clear What’s NOT Your Energy - 3

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

#3: Fill your gaps and take up space (runtime 21:06) What are energy gaps? Learn how to close your gaps in your spiritual house. Learn how to take up your own space within with deep ease.

#5 Veils Removal Series Introduction

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

This series foundationally supports your embodiment by removing veils of ego survival and fear in the body, making embodiment smoother, easier, faster. These veils ultimately come from the ego’s need to survive and protect itself and your unhealed pain and fear. These veils also come from other energies that are not you, which are addressed and cleared. They are woven within our energy system and consciousness. Through guided meditations, this series releases veils and energies not you in the body, energy centers and consciousness, the 7 chakras, sexual organs, sexuality and navel area. We also bring awakening, healing and release to the old fears and pain that have allowed these veils to be there in the first place.

Downloadable Audio
Length: 4 minutes
Format: MP3

This introduction audio contains:

• Explanations of what energetic veils are, where they come from and what allows them to stay in our system.

• A short description is given for each recording and how to get the most from this series.

#6 Preparing The System For Release

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Downloadable Audio
Length: 9 minutes
Format: MP3

This audio contains:

• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be.

• This recording focuses on grounding, centering and aligning you with you.

• We get your system ready for all the releases you’ll have.

#7 Over All Sweep

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Downloadable Audio
Length: 11 minutes
Format: MP3

This audio contains:

• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be.

• Spirit does an all over sweep of your system, removing ego survival veils and energy that’s not you in and around the body and your consciousness.

• Spirit describes what’s releasing, bringing information to support you being you.

• Spirit stabilizes and supports your system after releases.

#8 7th Chakra (Head Area) Veil Removal

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Downloadable Audio
Length: 9 minutes
Format: MP3

This audio contains:

• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be.

• Spirit releases ego survival veils and energy that’s not you in the 7th chakra area.

• Spirit describes what’s releasing, bringing information to support you being you.

• Spirit works with your true essence, filling your 7th chakra area with your own true essence and energy.

• Spirit stabilizes and supports your system after releases.

#9 6th Chakra (3rd Eye Area) Veil Removal

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Downloadable Audio
Length: 12 minutes
Format: MP3

This audio contains:

• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be.

• Spirit releases ego survival veils and energy that’s not you in the 6th chakra area.

• Spirit describes what’s releasing, bringing information to support you being you.

• Spirit works with your true essence, filling your 6th chakra area with your own true essence and energy.

• Spirit stabilizes and supports your system after releases.

#10 5th Chakra (Throat Area) Veil Removal

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Downloadable Audio
Length: 13 minutes
Format: MP3

This audio contains:

• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be.

• Spirit releases ego survival veils and energy that’s not you in the 5th chakra area.

• Spirit describes what’s releasing, bringing information to support you being you.

• Spirit works with your true essence, filling your 5th chakra area with your own true essence and energy.

• Spirit stabilizes and supports your system after releases.

#11 4th Chakra (Heart Area) Veil Removal

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Downloadable Audio
Length: 14 minutes
Format: MP3

This audio contains:

• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be.

• Spirit releases ego survival veils and energy that’s not you in the 4th chakra area.

• Spirit describes what’s releasing, bringing information to support you being you.

• Spirit works with your true essence, filling your 4th chakra area with your own true essence and energy.

• Spirit stabilizes and supports your system after releases.

#12 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Area) Veil Removal

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Downloadable Audio
Length: 9 minutes
Format: MP3

This audio contains:

• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be.

• Spirit releases ego survival veils and energy that’s not you in the 3rd chakra area.

• Spirit describes what’s releasing, bringing information to support you being you.

• Spirit works with your true essence, filling your 3rd chakra area with your own true essence and energy.

• Spirit stabilizes and supports your system after releases.

#13 2nd Chakra (Abdomen Area) Veil Removal

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Downloadable Audio
Length: 11 minutes
Format: MP3

This audio contains:

• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be.

• Spirit releases ego survival veils and energy that’s not you in the 2nd chakra area.

• Spirit describes what’s releasing, bringing information to support you being you.

• Spirit works with your true essence, filling your 2nd chakra area with your own true essence and energy.

• Spirit stabilizes and supports your system after releases.

#14 1st Chakra (Perineum Area) Veil Removal

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Downloadable Audio
Length: 15 minutes
Format: MP3

This audio contains:

• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be.

• Spirit releases ego survival veils and energy that’s not you in the 1st chakra area.

• Spirit describes what’s releasing, bringing information to support you being you.

• Spirit works with your true essence, filling your 1st chakra area with your own true essence and energy.

• Spirit stabilizes and supports your system after releases.

#15 Navel Area Veil Removal

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Downloadable Audio
Length: 14 minutes
Format: MP3

This audio contains:

• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be, explaining the importance of your navel area.

• Spirit releases ego survival veils and energy that’s not you in the navel area.

• Spirit describes what’s releasing, bringing information to support you being you.

• Spirit works with your true essence, filling your navel area with your own true essence and energy.

• Spirit stabilizes and supports your system after releases.

#16 Sexual Organs And Sexuality Veil Removal

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Downloadable Audio
Length: 16 minutes
Format: MP3

This audio contains:

• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be.

• Spirit releases ego survival veils and energy that’s not you in your sexual organs and sexual area.

• Spirit also focuses on clearing the untruths or wounding around how you feel about sexual intimacy and physical closeness.

• Spirit describes what’s releasing, bringing information to support you being you.

• Spirit works with your true essence, filling your sexual organs and area with your own true essence and energy.

• Spirit stabilizes and supports your system after releases.

#17 Harmonizing, Balancing, Aligning

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Downloadable Audio
Length: 12 minutes
Format: MP3

This audio contains:

• A short guided mediation to help you go within, connect and be.

•Spirit helps your system harmonize and balance, and be who you are now after all the releases you’ve had.

#18 Self Empowering Accelerated Healing Series: NAVIGATE THE UNKNOWN

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

When you are on the journey of awakening into who you really are, all your old ways of living no longer work right?! We keep looking for everything to work the same but it cannot. We can no longer live from the concepts of things but from the truth of things. This series helps you with your everyday experiences of awakening into who we truly are. We address specific topics to support your journey of truth and ease your spiritual up-levelings. Receive deep support for living and being truth, trusting yourself and your process and connecting to your deepest truth within.

Session 1: How to Navigate the Unknown
Why you’re more in the unknown more then ever

Allowing your fear parts to come forward for understanding and healing

Learning how the unknown is the new normal

Accelerated healing for fear of the unknown

#19 Self Empowering Accelerated Healing Series: RECEIVING

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Session 2: Receiving
Connect with your true frequencies of receiving

Connect with your effortless receiving

Allowing the parts of you afraid to receive again to come forward

Accelerated healing for receiving

#20 Self Empowering Accelerated Healing Series: TRUE SELF EMPOWERMENT

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Session 3: True Self Empowerment
What is True Self Empowerment? Why has it been so hard to hold onto it?

Feel and connect with your true self-empowerment energy, frequencies, consciousness

Accelerated healing to deepen, deepen deepen into BEING true self empowerment. Clear many subtle layers of older denser consciousness as you deepen.

#21 Self Empowering Accelerated Healing Series

($50.00 Value) Included with your purchase

Session 4: Integration and Embodiment for Sessions 1-3

Receive deep integration and embodiment of all your healings, changes, understandings and deeper self awareness from sessions 1-3

Ambujam's Accelerated Healing Empowerment Package: Group Power Healing® Session + Veil Removal Series + Self-Empowering Accelerated Healing Series

$1088.00 regular program value - yours for 89% OFF!
Buy Now for $122 USD
100% Secure Payment

Need Help Ordering Or Have Questions?

If you have questions or concerns about the course, please contact us at 512.815.6222 or

Praise for Ambujam Rose:

"The groups have supported and affirmed my growth in ways that I can only describe as miraculous. Each time I have participated in one, the energy and information that comes through is exactly what is currently up in my life that needs to be looked at and cleared. The process is gentle yet powerful and although it is a group healing, it feels as though Spirit is addressing me as an individual; this makes me feel supported and loved as I know others are more than likely having the same experience."
Linda, FL
"Ambujam is the healer of healers. These sessions are so powerful! You will be amazed on how one person’s question and Ambujam’s answer can resonate with the whole group. Listening to the free recordings lets you catch what you might have missed and receive more healing."
Anna, CA
"I have participated in Group Power Healings remotely due to time zones. Surprisingly, it doesn’t matter as the empowering energy, support and healing happen exactly as it is meant to. It is a very profound and deep support, which is incredibly helpful. Please try it for yourself, you will be transformed."
Fi, UK
"That last session was pretty incredible. Of course, all of the issues that came up were ones that were up for me. Thanks as always for holding us all in your guided and inspired attention. The metaphors you use to convey what’s happening plus the accelerated, amplified healing that comes through in this group setting creates an experience that is both fascinating and powerful."
Susan, NY
"Ambujam Group Power Healings are powerful, transformational, fun and truly healing. The energy and information received have helped me grow immensely in all areas of life. Ambujam has magnificent gifts that she shares in rich and rewarding ways in her Group Power Healing sessions. I highly recommend working with Ambujam."
Riquelle, CA
"The Group Power Healings I’ve receive from Ambujam have been very powerful and transformative. The topics and themes of the healings are always in alignment with exactly what I’m dealing with. I feel like I’m receiving a private session! I usually have shifts during the healing, but then later in the night either in dreams or a sub-conscious state I have insights, realizations, energetic shifts, transformation, and awakening. Ambujam is a very powerful energetic healer. I’m grateful for her work."
Tricia, CA
"The work that comes through Ambujam for her Group Power Healings is always powerful, rich and transformative. One of the things I love about the way Ambujam works is that she guides us through the process. She let’s us know what’s happening in each moment. With her guidance, we can follow the session through our bodies, through our emotional responses and releases. I also love Ambujam’s light heart, the playful way she’ll walk us through some truly boggy ground. The healing space she holds is deep and wide so everyone in the group can feel safe and cared for while some amazing shifts occur."
Joie, NY
"Ambujam has an incredible gift. I’ve known and worked with her for 10 years now. She is able to do group sessions for an unlimited number of people simultaneously. Something magical happens so that the Group Power Healings are always relevant to whatever is most needed for me. She is able to gently facilitate awakening and deep healing. It’s amazing how much is accomplished in just one Group Power Healing session!"
Anna, MA

All of us here at and Happy Empires are grateful for the contribution of our listeners and speakers, that's why we honor our speaker's great work. Due to the nature of digital programs refunds are unavailable. We rely on your authenticity and integrity as a listener to honor each speaker's digital assets as much as we do. We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.


Ambujam's Accelerated Healing Empowerment Package: Group Power Healing® Session + Veil Removal Series + Self-Empowering Accelerated Healing Series

$1088.00 regular program value - yours for 89% OFF!
Buy Now for $122 USD
100% Secure Payment

Need Help Ordering Or Have Questions?

If you have questions or concerns about the course, please contact us at 512.815.6222 or